Iconathon # 2 – Honouring African food!

Saturday, May 13 was held the second edition of the #ICONATHON – a initiative in which twenty designers created icons on the theme of African food. Let’s go back on this original event held in partnership with Kombosa Studio, Deck et Koristock.

Contraction of “icon” and “hackathon”, an iconathon is a one or two day event during which graphic designers and designers are working as teammates in order to create icons about life in Senegal and make them available to all in an open way.

The first edition of the Iconathon took place last month and adressed the informal economy and means of transport. By popular demand, this month we discussed the subject of cooking: dishes, professionals and kitchenware/tools.

On the menu 

After the traditional roundtable and few coffees, the work began with an introduction of the different icons styles used in web or mobile design: flat, contour, material, etc. For greater harmonization, the community voted for 2 styles that would be used during the event.

iconathon yux dakar cuisine africaine 3.jpg

Dodji K. Honou, co-founder of Koristock, then presented this new platform dedicated to bringing African images and pictograms online.

The creation started by a fun brainstorming, then by drawings on paper and finally by graphic design on computers. The participants got straight to the point and produced various and creative pictograms that reflects the incredible wealth of the African gastronomy.


Two hours later, each participant produced up to 4 icons, from African cooking pot to pestle, passing by the famous “Thiebudien” of Senegal and the delicious cassava of Cameroon.

You can find the icons in JPEG below and on YUX Dakar page. Feel free to contact us if you need it in PNG or SVG format or if you would like us to work on specific icon sets.

Thank you to all the participants and roll on the third edition!

icones iconathon yux dakar 1

icones iconathon yux dakar 2

3 thoughts on “Iconathon # 2 – Honouring African food!

  1. It is great to see the result of the union between traditional gastronomy and design, I never imagined the result obtained, and I imagine it would happen if these same initiatives to translate into an icon the traditional or typical food of a country will be massified as Along the most emblematic and hidden cities of the world, in my country there is a native people called Mapuches, they also have a tasty but little known food maybe if someone with this initiative set out to draw until they reach the correct icons many would know their food .

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